sâmbătă, 18 octombrie 2014

Cluj Life

     In continuarea studiilor mele am ales Clujul, orasul meu de suflet, sa ma poarte pe culmile invataturii.... si ale Fagetului desigur. Facultatea alesa este cea de Studii Europene la Universitatea Babeș - Bolyai. Multi insinsta cu intrebarea "Daaa.... Ce iesi de acolo?", raspunsul fiind destul de simplu " Ce vreau eu". Asa cum am precizat si intr-o postare anterioara facultatea nu te angajeaza direct, ci trebuie sa demonstrezi ca esti capabil si sa te inscrii la organizatii studentesti. (sper sa revin cu o postare despre organizatiile studentesti).

     Sa ne legam de aceasta facultate: Studii Europene. Multi cred ca se vand gogosi despre politica politica, dar e mai mult de atat, se invata istoria politicii, sisteme politice, relatii internatilonale, etc. Oricum, indiferent ce spune lumea, eu ma bucur ca am intrat la aceasta facultate deoarece profesorii sunt super tari, colegii mei provind din diverse zone ale tarii sau europei, ceea ce imi ofera posibilitati nelimitate de socializare si, de ce nu, de exersare a mai multor limbi. Daca tot am ajuns la subiectul asta, al limbilor straine, as vrea sa precizez ca am un curs European Communication care il facem in limba engleza. Proful mi-a recomandat sa adopt si pe blogul meu limba engleza pentru ca ar da bine la CV si desigur m-ar ajuta pe mine sa-mi dezvolt aptitudinile de scris in aceasta limba.

      So, from this point I will write some of my articles in english. Soner or later the whole blog will be entirely translated, if my readers will apreciate this change, of course. I finished with the college thing, I should talk about the city itself, Cluj, an old city with the youngest citizens. This city is prepaired for student life with a lot of pubs to have a beer, about 10 butteries where you can eat well for not so much money, enough green spaces and parks where you can put a hammock and read without being disturbed. Let say that not only the city is great, the people who live or study in it makes it such a great attraction to teenagers from Romania and Europe. 

     At the cultural level it's more than I can handle, I'm trying to find out sooner of every event because I've already missed too many. As an example, in this time there are 2 international festival : Puck International Festival of Puppet and Marionette Theatres and Comedy Cluj International Film Festival.

    I think I have talked enough about the educational part of my arrival here, now it's time for the real deal: my bike. It took me one week to realize that I would be dead without my bike here. I live in a neighborhood named Manastur, which is about 4 km away from college. Everyday at 8 o'clock in the morning the bridge that I have to cross is crowded with cars who waits at the red signal (the tail is about 1 km long). With the buss it would take me 40 minutes to arrive to my classes, but with my bike only 15... there is a big difference. The bridge is not crowded everytime, only in rush hours like 8-9 A.M. and 5-6 P.M. Anyway, my bike will always remain my favorite way to move through the city.

   I had the occasion to explore the Faget forest, verdict: hilly enough. Needless to say that is awesome because any forest have her own magic, which I have to explore and, definitely, write down about it.

     Since I dropped my phone and broke it, now I do not have anything to take photos with.
If you find some grammar errors or any mistakes please let me know about them.

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